
This past weekend I went camping with Katy and her family at their camp near Oxbow. John, Katy's brother, picked us up on Saturday morning and we got out to camp right as their mom, dad and sister, Jean did. We had a bit of breakfast before John and his dad went fishing. The girls hung around camp and "the grotto." John came running back to camp to tell us that his dad had caught a huge large mouth bass, so we went down by the river to check it out. If I remember correctly they named him Tony. Tony was 5lbs and about 22inces long. BIG, in other words. After all of that excitement, Katy and I made a back to Jean's tree chair while she took a nap. After that Katy, Jean and I attempted a canoe ride down the river. I was the one who ended up getting stuck in the mud when getting out of the canoe. After our canoe adventure it was just about dinner time so we stayed around camp for cocktail hour, ate and just hung out. When it was dark out we had a bonfire and made smores. We also did a little star gazing before going inside to watch Fierce Creatures and to pass out for the night.

Sunday morning we woke up to lots of coffee and Katy's dad made us a nice breakfast. Katy, Jean and I went on a hike into the woods to go to the giant oak. We also walked out to the bridge near the rapids/falls on the river where we played pooh sticks. When we got back to camp we had more coffee and hung out on the hammock for a while. After a nice lunch we went out with Katy's dad and John to shoot guns. I don't remember what kind of gun it was though. Even though I didn't hit the target I am pretty sure that I was the only girl to actually hit the tree the target was on! After shooting we cleaned up camp and Katy and I had to return to Potsdam.

It was lots of fun and I cant wait to go out to camp again! OH and Katy and I are going to GREECE during spring break (March 21 to 31) this year with ART in GREECE, an art history class. I am so so excited!!

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