
tang on paper

[full story here]

Mass MoCA

On Friday evening select members of the Student Art Association set off on an adventure. Destination? The Haze household. Ultimate destination [to be achieved the next day]? MassMOCA, North Adams, MA. As previously mentioned, we stayed at Sarah's house outside of Albany for the weekend. It was lots of fun and good to get away from Potsdam for a couple days. The museum was crazy! I am now completely, absolutely, and utterly in love with MassMOCA and all it has to offer - along with the cute deli/cafe we dined at down the street. Exhibits were on display of work from Spencer Finch, Anslem Keifer, and Jenny Holzer. As well as an exhibit about China with work by a number of artists. Spencer Finch is a god in the world of conceptual art as far as I am concerned.

seven saa members

On return to Potsdam and the sad, sad end of the "F**k It Weekend" shared by the seven SAA members I was forced to live in the painting studio in order to complete the three paintings due on Wednesday. I also had to begin a new one. I ended up painting for 8 plus hours on Monday and Tuesday to get the paintings done. Although painting is, of course, not all of my life in Potsdam and on Wednesday I was graced with the opportunity to take a test in my Italian High Renaissance class. Oh joy of joys.

I'm still kind of busy as next week is going to be insane with all of the shit I've got to do. [must stop procrastinating - but hell it's so much fun] I have a paper topic and bibliography due on Monday for Greek Art. I am lecturing to my Survey of Art class Tuesday on Gothic Art - that means I actually have to know shit to teach them. Finally, on Wednesday I have a presentation in Italian High Renaissance. After that insanity I get to relax for a day and then freak out again.

Tree Logic

* Pictures are from the SAA MassMoCA trip and are linked to flickr *

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