
Classes have begun. This is going to be quite the semester. I feel like I have way too much free time - even on the days I have class from 9am to 6pm. Maybe it was just because it is Syllabus Day and nothing ever happens in class.

I am very excited for painting. Yay for NOT having to paint still lives for 20 hours and actually getting to paint something you like that is interesting. Also, yay for being in class with friends and getting the good spot/easels.

My art history classes should be good as well. I don't have to write a paper longer than 10 pages - 7 if I want to slack off and do the bare minimum. This is very exciting as most of my upper level art history papers have had to be 10-15/15-20 pages. [We'll see what happens in my High Renaissance class on Wednesday.]

I get to be a TA tomorrow. I have no idea what I am going to be doing - I know that I have to lead two lectures, two review sessions and grade tests, aside from that no clue. I'm setting office hours and picking my lecture topics tomorrow. This is both exciting and nerve wracking.

As for right now I have nothing to do. I can't wait until Cinema 10 starts up for this semester so my Monday nights can be filled with awesome independent films and documentaries and what not. [So long as they aren't all they really sad ones - there needs to be some funny or interesting too.]

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