
realization of a lifetime

Sunday. I'm graduating on Sunday. I can hardly wrap this thought around my mind. I have to leave Potsdam; move on. I am going to miss all of my friends terribly. This week has been good, emotional, but good. I think I've been holding back the sadness too much - it's going to be out of control when I finally burst. So many amazing things have happened in the past four years of my life. Potsdam changed my life. So many opportunities unfolded for adventure and growth while I was here. I have met some of the most amazing people in the world and I am truly grateful to call them friends. I couldn't have made it with out them; I wont make it without them.

Thank you, Potsdam. Thank you to my professors who have enlightened me and helped me in my time here, guided me through the hard parts and encouraged me to succeed. Thank you to my amazing friends - you know who you are - you are all amazing and will do great things. I want nothing more than to sit in my room with you until all hours of the night, sides aching in pain from laughing so much. I love you. Thank you to my family for always being behind me regardless if I've been stupid or brilliant, made bad decisions or good ones. You are my rock, my life support. I love you with all of my heart.

Potsdam, heres to you.
New York City - watch out.

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