
Art Attack opened on Friday the 9th. The show is quite good this year. Everyone did a wonderful job on their pieces. I always have so much fun walking through Gibson Gallery this time of year because I am able to see the incredible talent of my friends and peers at Potsdam. This year was just a little more exciting though since two of my photographs were accepted into the show. It was great seeing them up on the gallery wall. I wish that all of my friends and family could come to see them because this, to me, is one of the coolest things that has ever happened to me.

Aside from Art Attack I have been being attacked by art, the artwork that I need to have completed for Monday, November 19. All of my painting are due as Monday is our last day of class for the semester (only for painting). I have been a busy bee in the studio all semester perfecting my painting technique and now, this week, I will pretty much be living there. Currently I am at work on a tree, a very big tree at just under 4 feet tall and 3 feet wide.

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